General Registration is now open!
Prevention Research 2023 takes place on 14 & 15 November 2023 at The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The registration fee is £40.00 and covers both days of the conference. One day registration is also £40.00.
The following categories offer complimentary registration fee:
PhD Student;
Member of a charity/not-for-profit organisation;
Member of Government/NHS/Other public sector body
Please complete the form below
The final section of the form will direct you to the University of Stirling Online Shop.
Regardless of the registration category you have selected, you must continue to the online shop and follow the instructions.
Failure to complete this process will mean your registration has not been finalised.
PRP Conference General Registration
Registration will close on Friday 3 November 2023.
Please contact the conference organising committee on preventionresearch2023@gmail.com if you have any questions.